Crop photo in square, oval or diamond shapes

Drag the picture or press the button

No images? Try these ones:
picture cropping result

1. Your picture

Start by adding your picture to the editor on the left

2. Our service

Pick a shape to trim your photo

3. Excellent result

Download the newly shaped photo

Crop photo in triangle, egg or diamond shapes online

A simple method to design images in various geometric shapes, perfect for avatars, logos, or unique square photos

Square picture of a cat
The original image
Image of a cat in the shape of a diamond
The final image in a diamond shape

The online photo editor Rounder

Use our online tool to easily craft photos into custom shapes without installing extra software. Try it out and discover the simplicity of transforming photos into various geometric designs!

Key Advantages of the Online Image Editor

Discover the benefits of our service, offering convenient and effective solutions

Format Compatibility

Our tool is compatible with all common image formats, including .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, and more. You're free to upload any image type for circular cropping, regardless of its size and dimensions.

Completely Free to Use

Enjoy full access to all our features and services at no cost. Our tool is entirely free, with no hidden fees, no trial versions, and absolutely no restrictions. Use it as often as you need.

Secure Image Processing

Your images are processed directly in your browser, not uploaded to our server, ensuring your privacy. Only you can access your images after uploading, making the process secure and private.

Unlimited Cropping

Our tool has no limits on the number of photos you can crop into various geometric forms. Feel free to crop as many photos as you want, with no restrictions on the number of images.