Resize images super fast with top quality

Drag the picture or press the button

Image ready

Total files: 3

No images? Try these ones:

1. Upload images

Add one or more jpg, png or webp images in upload form

2. Set new dimensions

Adjust the size and other parameters for resizing

3. Get instant result

Wait for the resize to complete and download the archive

Image resizing with record speed and quality

Try this new powerful tool and you will no longer have a question - how to resize an image

Image before resize
Original image
Image in size 1920x1080
Resized image

Adjusting image size with Rounder

Resize your images in our service for better compatibility on Windows or Mac or for posting in social media or just for to save space on your hdd or iphone. It will take a split of a seconds because our site don't upload your photos to the server and all magic goes in your browser. You can use images in jpg, webp or png format. We recommend the Mitchell algorithm for image resizing, but you can choose an other options in our service. The algorithm comparison table is given below:



Method Sharpness Smoothing Performance Best Use Case
Bilinear Low High High Fast resizing where quality is not critical.
Bicubic Medium Medium Medium Better quality resizing with minimal artifacts.
Lanczos High Low Low Best for downscaling with detail preservation.
Mitchell Medium High Medium Balanced resizing with minimal artifacts.