Convert Images to WEBP Online

Drag the picture or press the button

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Image ready

Conversion time: 0.000s

1. One or more images

Add your image or photo to the editing area

2. Our service

Wait for the conversion to finish

3. Excellent result

Download your images

Convert JPG, GIF, PNG, HEIC to WEBP format

Converting to WEBP is simple and fast with the Rounder photo editor

File icon in JPG, WEBP, GIF formats
The original image
File icon in WEBP format
The final image in WEBP format

Convert any image to WebP

WebP, short for Web Picture, is a cutting-edge image format developed by Google, designed to shrink file sizes while keeping image quality intact. It offers both lossless and lossy compression options, consistently outperforming other formats in terms of efficiency and clarity. By slashing image sizes by 25–35% on average, WebP is a game-changer, especially when managing large collections of visuals. With its growing adoption, this format now enjoys broad support across browsers and photo editing tools.

Our online platform provides an all-in-one solution for converting PNG to WebP or HEIC to WebP. Say goodbye to downloading bulky programs—users can transform their images effortlessly in just a few clicks. Whether you're looking to make PNG files WebP-ready for older devices or want the universal compatibility of WebP, our service simplifies the process for you.

Here’s why our tool stands out:

  • Instant file conversion: Seamlessly transform PNG or HEIC files into WebP directly in your browser. Your data stays secure—no uploads, no worries.
  • User-friendly design: With its clean and intuitive interface, our converter makes switching formats a breeze. No steep learning curve, just results.
  • Top-notch output: Even with compression, your WebP files retain vibrant, crisp visuals that don’t compromise on quality.
  • No downloads required: Forget about installing clunky software. Our web-based tool gets the job done fast, saving you time and effort.

Try our secure and hassle-free online converter to easily switch your images to the WebP format and enjoy unmatched convenience!